Managing Effective Change

Term Paper
Managing Effective Change
Making change happen and managing effective change for the organization to capitalize on its resilient human resource give challenges to both the management and the work force. For the questions below, discuss and explain your answers.
  1. Before change happens, how do you assess the change capacity within the organization?
  2. Which of the two agents do you think you should target to make change happen and to achieve effective organizational change, i.e., GROUP or INDIVIDUAL person in the organization?
  3. Power and authority of the individuals play a significant role in managing change or in sustaining the desired organizational culture. Develop an organizational structure and design to accommodate changes that the organization and the employees desire.
Evaluation criteria
1.      Content and clarity
2.      Originality
3.      Creativity
4.      Presentation and analysis
5.      Neatness

-          The minimum of your paper is five pages, excluding the cover page. Standard format applies.
-          Submit an electronic copy to and a hard copy NLT May 21, 2xxx

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Managing Effective Change Managing Effective Change Reviewed by Unknown on August 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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