Sample TOR for Internship

Ground Floor, xxx BXXay, VauXXll, XXXX


Staff in international posts based in Cambodia


This statement sets out the restrictive terms and conditions of your Internship with the SKC (SKC) Cambodia Programme.  SKC has a number of additional non-contractual arrangements for staff, which are set out in the attached Information Notes and Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures.

To:  April May H. Sumaylo
       13 Lanao St. Bago Bantay,
       Quezon City

1          Duration of appointment

            Your Internship will begin on 01.04.11 and will terminate on 31.03.12.and may be extended by mutual agreement.

2          Job title and location

            You are employed as Programme Communications Officer based in Ratanakiri, reporting to the Programme Manager.  You may be required to carry out duties not encompassed by the Job Description, see Information Notes Section 2.1.

3          Usual Country of Domicile 
            Your Usual Country of Domicile is the Philippines.

4          Pay/allowances   See Information Notes section 3

4.1       You will receive a monthly payment of $950 per month - this will include a monthly in-country living allowance ($250), a month accommodation allowance ($200) and a monthly Stipend ($500). The money will be provided to you in one payment and you can decide on how to divide the money but receipts must be signed/ provided to record the expenditure as per donor/ SKC financial regulations.
4.2        You are responsible for the payment of any taxes for which you are liable in your Usual Country of Domicile or country of work.
4.3       You hereby authorise us to deduct from your remuneration any sums due to us, including any overpayments, loans or advances.

5          Accompanying dependants
            If you have a partner or dependant children who are to live with you for at least 3 months, your dependants will have the same entitlement as yourself for flights, baggage allowance and insurance cover.  This applies to partner and up to 3 dependant children.  See Information Notes Section 4.5.
6          Pension
            No pension payment will be made for this Internship,

7          Travel See Section 4 of the Information Notes.

7.1        SKC will pay travel costs and reimburse reasonable expenses for travel in connection with SKC business, including travel to and from the country of service at the beginning and end of contract.  Transport will be at the most economical rate.
7.2        Baggage costs will be met as detailed in the Information Notes, Section 4.2.
7.3        All international journeys and routes must be authorised in advance by your manager.

8          Medical examination/immunisation See Information Notes Section 5.2.
8.1        Your Internship overseas is offered subject to a satisfactory health check and report by a qualified medical practitioner to establish your fitness to work in the designated location.  You must also be medically examined at the end of service.
8.2        SKC will cover the costs of necessary immunisations and tests required in the work location.

9          Insurance  See Information Notes Section 5.1.

            During the period of your Internship, SKC will provide insurance cover for medical expenses, including medical evacuation, incurred whilst outside your Usual Country of Domicile, for loss or damage to personal effects and certain related matters. In the event of the need to submit a claim and/or there is a medical emergency involving a member of SKC’s staff covered by the insurance, you must follow the procedure set out in “What to do in a Medical Emergency”.  It is your personal responsibility to obtain supporting documents required by our insurers’ e.g. medical reports, police reports, receipts etc.

10         Sickness/Accident

10.1      In the event of sickness, or accident not due to personal negligence you will be entitled to sick leave on full salary for up to 6 weeks within any contract period of one year, or pro rata for contracts of shorter duration.
10.2      Payment during sickness is conditional upon SKC London office being notified as soon as possible.  See section 5.3 of the Information Notes.

11         Hours of Work

            Working hours will be set by your manager and will be in accordance with working practice in the work location.

12         Holidays/Accrued Holiday Pay

12.1      You will be entitled to time off on the customary holidays of the country where you are based up to a maximum of 12 days and you will be informed of these holidays.
12.2      In addition you will accrue annual leave entitlement at the rate of 2.5 days per calendar month (6 weeks in a full year).
12.3      Leave should, where possible, be taken within the year and can only be carried forward for up to 3 months. See Information Notes Section 6.1.
12.4      Normally no payment is made in lieu of leave not taken.  However, when you leave SKC, the organisation may require you to take any outstanding holiday during your notice period or alternatively make a payment for untaken holidays.  Also, if you move to a post in a different country and it is not appropriate to carry your leave forward, SKC may ask you to take outstanding leave or will make a payment may in lieu.
12.5      On termination of your Internship deductions from salary will be made for any holiday taken in excess of entitlement.

13         Time Off In Lieu  (TOIL)
13.1      For every full day worked over and above normal working hours, you are entitled to a day off in lieu.   See Information Notes Section 6.4
13.2      No compensation payment will be made for lieu days not taken.

14         Home leave flights  See Information Notes Section 6.2
14.1      If your contract is for 15 months or more, you are entitled to a return flight to your Usual Country of Domicile (or equivalent fare to another country) on completion of every 12 months’ service, provided that the contract has at least a further 3 months to run.  Travel costs are met by SKC by prior agreement with your manager.
14.2      If the contract period is for at least six months but less than 15 months, home leave may be taken but at your own expense, subject to authorisation by your manager.

15         Probationary period
            Confirmation of your Internship with SKC is subject to satisfactory completion of a three months probationary period. Your work and performance will be assessed and reviewed during this time and at the end of the probationary period.  SKC reserves the right to extend your probationary period if it deems it necessary.  Your probationary period will in any event continue until its successful completion is confirmed to you in writing.
See Information Notes Section 2.2.

16        Conduct   See codes of practice, including code of conduct in Information Notes Section 8.
            These are guidelines which you are expected to follow as an employee of SKC.

17         Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures
            Please see the Grievance and Disciplinary procedures in Information Notes Section 7.

18        Termination of contract and notice period
18.1      This contract can be terminated by either yourself or SKC giving notice in writing of the intention to terminate.  Two weeks notice on either side is required during the probationary period and one month thereafter.
18.2      SKC may terminate Internship without notice or pay in lieu of notice in cases of gross misconduct, non-exhaustive examples of which are given in Information Notes, Section 7.

19         Return of Equipment
On termination of your Internship for whatever reason or at any time during your Internship on request from us, you must return to us all of our property that may be in your possession or under your control, including all documents or other confidential information relating to the organisation and any copies thereof.

20         Confidential Information
During your Internship and thereafter (whatever the reason and circumstances of any termination), you agree not to use for your own or another’s benefit or disclose any of our confidential information other than
(a)  in the proper performance of your duties for us or
(b)  where you are required by law or properly authorised by the Director to disclose such information or
(c)  (after termination) where such information is in the public domain.

21         Data Protection
We will hold details pertinent to your Internship on file as part of your personnel records, which may include sensitive information.  This information may be processed for administrative or legal purposes or as required by your continuing Internship with us.

22        Trade union membership
            Staff members are entitled to belong to any trade union of their choice or may choose not to belong to any registered union or unregistered body of workers.  SKC does not recognise any Trade Union and no collective agreements affect your employment.

23         Work Environment      
SKC is committed to the principles of equal opportunities.  You must not and must not allow any fellow employees to engage in any sexual, racial or other harassment or discrimination in the course of your or their employment. 

24         Maternity and Paternity Benefits
Conditions for maternity leave are set out in Information Notes Sections 6.8 and 6.9.

25         Retirement
            The compulsory retirement age is 65. Voluntary retirement can be taken from the age of 60.

26         Changes to terms and conditions
            SKC reserves the right to amend or revise the terms above in accordance with changes in the law, changes in policy or in codes of practice.  Any alteration in policy or codes of practice will be notified one month prior to the change being implemented.

I have read and fully understand the terms and conditions of my Internship set out in this statement and the Information Notes and I accept the appointment on these terms.

Signed.................................................................... Date................................

Signed.................................................................... Date................................
         (for SKC)

Sample TOR for Internship Sample TOR for Internship Reviewed by Unknown on October 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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