Six Days Trip to Kampong Chhnang and Pursat , Tonle Sap Lake

Six days trip to Kampong Chhnang and Pursat province for Oral History data collection is considered as a fruitful trip. Four KdK staff went to floating villages along Tonlé Sap in Kampong Chhnang town and in Kampong Loung commune, Pursat province from 09 to 14 September 2015 meeting three main ethnic minority people: Vietnamese, Cham and Khmer Krom people.

As the trip has been well-prepared, the interview process went smoothly. The four staff were divided into two groups to collect life stories from those people. Oral History approach was used in order to allow narrators having more power to share their stories and give more space for them to lead the interviews. At the same time, the staff closely talked to the narrators mainly to carefully listen to them and give some guiding and follow up questions. It did build closer talk between narrators and the staff; and narrators confidently shared their stories.

There were common and unique life stories of each respondent. While Vietnamese people mostly shared about their migration history and legal issues, the Cham recalled the hardest experiences during Democratic Kampuchea. Kampuchea Krom people uniquely shared their lives in Vietnam before they moved to Cambodia. These stories will be produced as exhibition materials including print boards, audio, and video clips in order to promote the understanding from the public about life stories of those ethnic minority people living along Tonlé Sap. 

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Six Days Trip to Kampong Chhnang and Pursat , Tonle Sap Lake Six Days Trip to Kampong Chhnang and Pursat , Tonle Sap Lake Reviewed by Unknown on September 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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